spicy painter

Guillermo Aymerich


Built with Berta.me

  1. [REP] potential replica: find the differences, 2018-202... china

  2. catalogue-series, up to 8 replicas from 8 selected travelogue works in 8 different grammar-pictorial techniques following a sequence of 8 times developing size surfaces: fractality variation, selfsame vs. alike

    some chinese aspects replicating back to some foreigner lightly related ones.

    self-similarity, autopoiesis, self-copying, manual repoductivity, nothing sacred about the ‘original’, praise of the forgery, versatility of the unique, shared authenticity.

    external mise en abyme, depicting recursion, dismembered metapaintings, refusing magnifier to reach an augmented free-form while the scale downgrades, shape-shifting, diffuse transformation, loosing medium, mutating impure image, black hole mode, abstract break imperfection, blurred deformation for human eyes, extending flooded paint, recasts color bleeding: the shaped form of the formation.

    仿制品-fǎngzhì pǐn (skeuomorphism) versus 複製品-fùzhì pǐn (facsimile).

  3. I. china vs. japan


  5. scale sequence I bis: 3 of the 8 potentional originals. beijing

  6. oil painting/paper 46 x 62 cm - 18.11 x 24.4 in

    oil painting/paper

    46 x 62 cm - 18.11 x 24.4 in

  7. ink/paper 15,5 x 23 cm - 6.1 x 9 in


    15,5 x 23 cm - 6.1 x 9 in

  8. watercolor/paper 5,75 x 7,75 cm - 2.26 x 3 in


    5,75 x 7,75 cm - 2.26 x 3 in

  9. TOKYO

  10. scale sequence I: 3 of the 8 potentional originals. japan

  11. oil painting/paper 46 x 62 cm - 18.11 x 24.4 in

    oil painting/paper

    46 x 62 cm - 18.11 x 24.4 in

  12. ink/paper 15,5 x 23 cm - 6.1 x 9 in


    15,5 x 23 cm - 6.1 x 9 in

  13. watercolor/paper 5,75 x 7,75 cm - 2.26 x 3 in


    5,75 x 7,75 cm - 2.26 x 3 in

  14. II. china vs. galicia


  16. scale sequence II bis: 3 of the 8 potentional originals. sichuan

  17. oil painting/paper 42 x 29 cm - 16.53 x 11.41 in

    oil painting/paper

    42 x 29 cm - 16.53 x 11.41 in

  18. ink/paper 14,5 x 10,5 cm - 5.7 x 4.13 in


    14,5 x 10,5 cm - 5.7 x 4.13 in

  19. watercolor/paper 5,25 x 3,62 cm - 2.06 x 1.41 in


    5,25 x 3,62 cm - 2.06 x 1.41 in


  21. scale sequence II: 3 of the 8 potentional originals. galicia

  22. oil painting/paper 42 x 58 cm - 16.53 x 22.83 in

    oil painting/paper

    42 x 58 cm - 16.53 x 22.83 in

  23. ink/paper 19,5 x 21 cm - 7.67 x 8.26 in


    19,5 x 21 cm - 7.67 x 8.26 in

  24. watercolor/paper 5,25 x 7,25 cm - 2 x 2.85 in


    5,25 x 7,25 cm - 2 x 2.85 in

  25. III. china vs. iceland


  27. scale sequence III bis: 3 of the 8 potentional originals. kunming

  28. oil painting/paper 44 x 60 cm - 17.32 x 23.62 in

    oil painting/paper

    44 x 60 cm - 17.32 x 23.62 in

  29. ink/paper 15 x 22 cm - 5.9 x 8.66 in


    15 x 22 cm - 5.9 x 8.66 in

  30. watercolor/paper 5,5 x 7,5 cm - 17.32 x 23.62 in


    5,5 x 7,5 cm - 17.32 x 23.62 in


  32. scale sequence III: 3 of the 8 potentional originals. iceland

  33. oil painting/paper 48 x 68 cm - 18.89 x 26.77 in

    oil painting/paper

    48 x 68 cm - 18.89 x 26.77 in

  34. oil painting/paper 17 x 24 cm - 6.69 x 9.44 in

    oil painting/paper

    17 x 24 cm - 6.69 x 9.44 in

  35. ink/paper 6 x 8,5 cm - 2.36 x 3.34 in


    6 x 8,5 cm - 2.36 x 3.34 in

  36. IV. china vs. vietnam


  38. scale sequence IV bis: 3 of the 8 potentional originals. sichuan

  39. oil painting/paper 42 x 29 cm - 16.53 x 11.41 in

    oil painting/paper

    42 x 29 cm - 16.53 x 11.41 in

  40. ink/paper 14,5 x 10,5 cm - 5.7 x 4.13 in


    14,5 x 10,5 cm - 5.7 x 4.13 in

  41. watercolor/paper 5,25 x 3,62 cm - 2.06 x 1.41 in


    5,25 x 3,62 cm - 2.06 x 1.41 in

  42. CẦN GIỜ


  43. ink/paper 14,5 x 10,5 cm - 5.7 x 4.13 in


    14,5 x 10,5 cm - 5.7 x 4.13 in

    scale sequence IV: 1 of the 8 potentional originals. vietnam

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